5 Ways Therapeutic Mentoring Can Help Your Family


It’s normal to struggle at various points in your life. Rather than letting yourself go down the wrong path, it’s important to realize that you do have options. Whether it’s dealing with a substance abuse problem, finding help for a mental illness or combating peer pressure, therapeutic mentoring can help. 

Bridge The Gap offers professional therapeutic mentoring services throughout Thousand Oaks and much of Northern Los Angeles County. We look forward to providing you with the compassionate, comprehensive support you deserve. Let’s learn more about what this type of mentoring entails and the ways it can benefit you and your family! 

What is Therapeutic Mentoring? 

Therapeutic mentoring offers structured, one-on-one support based on an individual’s needs and goals. These services are led by professional and qualified mentors who help clients develop social skills, interpersonal skills, daily living skills and problem solving strategies. 

Some of the goals of therapeutic services are to: 

  • Help individuals and families build on their strengths 

  • Bridge the gap between individuals, families and treatment providers

  • Empower individuals to transition on their own 

  • Receive support that goes beyond the traditional treatment environment 

Therapeutic Mentoring: From Thousand Oaks to Sherman Oaks: 5 Ways it Can Help

Dealing with mental health and substance use disorders can feel incredibly lonely and isolating, but it doesn’t have to stay this way. While recovery from these disorders can be a lifelong process, it can be a rewarding experience that encourages you to look deeper within yourself. 

Here are five ways that therapeutic mentoring can help you and your family:

1. One-on-one attention 

Even though many treatment centers say they offer personalized care, some people find that it’s too generalized. For example, depression comes in many forms, and trauma manifests itself in unique ways. Rather than offering blanket treatment solutions, people need specific, targeted care. 

Therapeutic mentoring is extremely specific. You’ll work alongside a mentor to develop a plan that emphasizes structure, accountability and consistency. You can also address phobias, anxiety-provoking situations, unresolved trauma and more. This ensures you spend your time working on the things that really matter. 

2. Easier transitions 

Another benefit to therapeutic mentoring in Thousand Oaks and many other locations in Northern Los Angeles County is the ability to easily transition into your everyday routine. Rather than being thrown into your everyday life after treatment, your mentor can help you ease into a new routine. 

Some things your mentor will help with are: 

  • Create a consistent and healthy schedule 

  • Maintain productivity

  • Follow through with commitments 

  • Practice good self-care 

3. Help with peer pressure 

If you have a teenager in your family who is facing academic challenges, peer pressure, etc., a mentor can help. While teens must be educated on the dangers of substance abuse, they also need concrete ways to deal with stress, mood swings and peer pressure. Sadly, the cycle of self-medication often starts here. A therapeutic mentor can help teens and their parents prioritize schedules, process challenging emotions, develop healthy coping mechanisms and more. 

4. Ease into adulthood 

It’s not easy to jump into the demands and responsibilities of adulthood when your life has been centered around drugs and alcohol. But it is possible to pick up the pieces and become a productive, successful adult. Many people are surprised to learn that therapeutic mentoring includes assistance with creating a resume, securing a job, budgeting finances and developing a self-care plan. 

5. Stronger families 

Some families are hesitant to bring someone into their life because they don’t want to “air their dirty laundry.” But once you let down this guard, you’ll find that therapeutic mentors are here to help - not judge. They serve as a liaison between loved ones and support teams while encouraging communication, problem-solving skills and more. With the right support services, you can prevent addiction from ripping apart your family. 

Fill in the Gaps with Bridge The Gap 

As you can see, there are many ways that therapeutic mentoring can help you and your family. Bridge the Gap aims to bridge any and all gaps within the mental health and addiction treatment process. Our mentors have a unique understanding of mental health and addiction and how it affects families. Contact us today to learn more about our therapeutic mentoring services we offer in Thousand Oaks and other locales throughout Northern Los Angeles County.  

Bridge The Gap offers therapeutic mentoring services in multiple areas within Northern Los Angeles County. Bridge The Gap is based in Thousand Oaks, but we provide help to patients in locations ranging from Camarillo, Westlake, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, to Sherman Oaks and in Malibu.


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