What is a Sober Coach and is it Worth Having One?

For many years, addiction treatment programs and support groups have served as the foundation for a healthy recovery. As wonderful as these programs can be, they’re not always capable of providing support in real-time. To fill in these gaps, sober coaching can be a wonderful asset to your treatment team. 

A sober coach is someone who is trained in addiction recovery and inspires people to lead a healthy, sober lifestyle. They remove the barriers and challenges to recovery so that people are more likely to stay on track with their goals and prevent relapse.
If you are starting your journey to recovery, a sober coach can be a great fit to your care team. In this article, we’ll explain more about what these coaches do, how they can help your family and where to find a qualified professional. 

What Does a Recovery Coach Do? 

A sober coach is like any other life coach, providing support and guidance as you start your journey to recovery. You’ll generally start working with a coach after you have completed a drug and alcohol treatment program. The weeks and months that follow treatment are some of the most challenging because you’re still adjusting to your new life while managing triggers and temptation. 

The idea behind a sober companion is simple. This individual bridges the gap between your treatment program and your 12-step groups. Treatment programs come to an end, and your 12-step groups are not always available. The times in between are often what need the most attention, especially if you’re surrounded by triggers. 

Here are some of the ways that a sober coach can aid in your recovery: 

  • Maintain sobriety naturally. Discover the importance of eating a healthy diet, exercising daily, getting plenty of restorative sleep and maintaining a positive attitude. Self-care is critical! 

  • Create a healthy lifestyle. It’s far easier to make smart choices when you follow a healthy lifestyle. Sober coaching will help you build a resilient and happy life. 

  • Set short- and long-term goals. It has probably been a while since you last set goals for yourself. Setting goals gives you something to work toward and results to celebrate. 

  • Identify challenges. A recovery coach can help you identify your unique challenges and the best ways to deal with them. Left unchecked, these can sabotage your recovery. 

  • Develop problem solving techniques. When you do face challenges in life, how do you plan on solving them? Your coach will teach you healthy, effective ways to deal with stress. 

  • Build relationships. Finally, your mentor will take the time to develop trust and build a relationship with you. Forming close connections with others is an important part of the healing process. 

How Can a Sober Coach Help My Family? 

Sober coaching is a helpful addition to the family unit. Most people are not prepared for the commitment recovery requires of both the addict and the family. Addiction is not something that just goes away after a few weeks of treatment. It is an ongoing process that requires diligence, patience and smart choices.

Below are some of the ways that sober coaching can help the family unit: 

  • Direct families to the right resources

  • Rebuild family ties 

  • Help families navigate the medical system 

  • Identify potentially harmful behaviors like enabling and codependency 

  • Encourage positive, open communication 

  • Educate families on addiction 

Where Can I Find a Sober Coaching Near Me?

 Luckily, sober coaching has expanded rapidly over the last few years. It is now easier than ever to find a professional in your area. The downside is that qualifications vary from state to state, so it’s important to do your research and find someone who is qualified. 

Bridge the Gap provides sober coaching services to people across the country. We serve clients in-person in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles and Orange Counties, and our virtual services are open to everyone. Our ultimate goal is to provide support and guidance as you work to maintain your sobriety. 

One of the biggest benefits of sober coaching is that we can provide support in real time. If you’re feeling emotionally triggered, we are here for you. We can help you implement healthy coping strategies that you will grow more comfortable with over time. This way, when you feel triggered, you’ll have a number of strategies to turn to. 

Some of the services we offer, aside from real-time support, are: 

Contact Bridge the Gap Services in Northern Los Angeles Today 

Bridge the Gap provides recovery coaching services throughout the U.S. Local clients residing in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles and Orange Counties can receive in-person support services, while those outside these areas can receive virtual services.

There is no need to disrupt your life to take advantage of our services. Contact Bridge the Gap today to learn more about our sober coaching services and how they can help you and your family make a smooth transition from addiction treatment to sober living. 


Recovery Coaching: What is it and How Can it Benefit You?


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